Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you are a Christian man passionate about the unique role God has given men in their families, Church, and community, and believe the lack of men fulfilling that role is the cause of much of our culture's problems, this conference is for you!

    The Perseus Conference is an event-oriented organization that provides the tools and resources to disciple, train, and educate lay and clergy men to fulfill, and help other men fulfill, the their unique roles within God’s Creation. The world today has attempted to erase biblical masculinity through deception and perversion. As Christian men, we are called to lead our churches, our communities, and especially our families into proper relationship with God and man. This conference is dedicated to men who wish to be a part of reclaiming that leadership role, and to equip each and encourage one another to do so.

  • An article by Joe Rigney at American Reformer (link below), regarding the reaction to a speech given by Fr Calvin Robinson on why male priesthood is the only Biblical model, and why feminism is a cancer within the Church, used Medusa as a metaphor for feminism. This caused considerable backlash by the usual suspects.

    We at the Perseus Conference have decided to lean in to that. Men of integrity need to refused to be cowed by the vocal minority. We should speak in charity, yes. But where there are monsters, we should draw our swords.

  • All conference sessions are held at St Francis Anglican Church, located at

    601 Webber Rd Spartanburg, SC 29307

  • A three-day pass to all conference sessions.

    All conference materials (including post-conference video recordings, if available).

    Unlimited coffee and water

  • Refunds will be available until 30 days prior to the conference (Sept 16, 2024). Cancellations are subject to a $25 administrative fee per registration.

    All cancellation requests must be made in writing to

    After September 16, 2024, we are unable to give refunds. However, you may transfer your registration to anyone who can attend in your place. If you need to transfer your registration to someone else, please email as soon as possible.

  • We do not offer early bird or group discounts.

  • You may park in the church parking lot or the adjacent street next to the church

  • Lord willing, all conference sessions will be recorded. We aim to make the recordings of the sessions available about two months after the conference to attendees.

  • There will not be a virtual option. Video recordings of conference sessions will be available for purchase about two months following the completion of the conference. Video recordings are complimentary for conference attendees.

  • While we are unable to accomodate exhibitions, we plan to offer a limited number of sponsorship opportunities. If you are interested in receiving more information, please email